A firefighters job is different from most other jobs.
Probably the most distinct difference is the schedule. The firefighters in Manteca work a 48 hour continuous shift. That means when the firefighters come together at 8:00 AM on the first day of their shift, they will be together for the next 48 hours. They will travel together, train together, eat together, work together and basically live together. This is why the "brotherhood" you may hear about is such a strong bond. Firefighters are not just co-workers, but they are essentially roommates as well.
Because of this 48 hour schedule, firefighters also work a 56 hour work week. A normal full-time employee works 40 hours per week. The pay would seem elevated for a firefighter but when you take into consideration they are at work and away from their families for nearly 17 months worth of hours if you compared it to a 40 hour week.
You may ask why this is so, why don't we go to shorter shifts? If the shifts became shorter and brought into something comparable to a 40 hour work week, the City would need to hire 50% more firefighters to cover all the shifts. The 48 hour shift is the most efficient and cost effective way run a Department.
Priorities in the 48 hour shift obviously start with the response to emergencies. Manteca responds to nearly 5,500 calls annually. Next comes fire prevention which includes business inspections, safety checks and teaching fire safety to all 2nd, 4th and 6th grade students in the City. Training is next and working together to prepare for all emergencies. Training can consist of medical emergencies, hazardous materials, fire suppression, investigation, driving or a host of other subjects a firefighter has to stay competent in.
Who has it the most difficult when a Firefighter is at work for 48 hours? Usually it's the wife at home with the children. Two nights away from home each week is extremely difficult for new moms and dads alike. The Firefighter's family also make a huge sacrifice for the safety of our community.
We'd like to thank our families and community for supporting us in doing what we love.
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